Monitoring and evaluation play a crucial role in measuring the success of fiber optic deployment. They enable progress to be monitored, compliance with objectives to be assessed, and corrective action to be taken if necessary, thus ensuring reliable, high-performance broadband connectivity.

Reliable data collection

Data collection is an essential step in monitoring and evaluation. This may involve technical surveys (which can be carried out on BuildAndRun on PC, tablet or smartphone), photos of the work and performance reports. This data provides invaluable information for assessing deployment progress and identifying any problems or deviations from targets.


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Data analysis

Analysis of the data collected provides us with actionable information. For example, if connection speeds are below expectations, technical adjustments may be necessary. If user satisfaction is low, measures to improve service quality can be implemented. Data analysis guides decisions to optimize deployment.
BuildandRun integrates with Bigquery data warehouse tools, as well as PowerBI and Tableau data visualizations, to enable detailed analysis of project data and calculation of KPIs tailored to management needs.

Never overlook operational and financial aspects

Monitoring and evaluation also take into account the operational and financial aspects of the project. This includes monitoring costs, assessing return on investment, analyzing completion times and comparing with budget forecasts. This information helps to keep the project on track and to meet financial targets.

Analysis over the long term

Monitoring and evaluation are iterative processes, carried out throughout the fiber optic rollout. Results achieved and corrective measures implemented are regularly reassessed to ensure that the project is progressing in the right direction. This allows us to optimize performance, maximize user satisfaction and achieve our objectives.

In conclusion, monitoring and evaluation are essential to measure the success of fiber optic deployment. They enable progress to be monitored, technical, operational and financial performance to be analyzed, and corrective action to be taken to optimize the project. Through regular monitoring and in-depth evaluation, fiber optic deployment ensures reliable, high-quality broadband connectivity for end-users.

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